As 2010 draws to a close, we're delighted to launch this new website -- please take a look around! -- and to share lots of exciting news for the New Year!
-- The latest qarrtsiluni print edition, Words of Power, will be available for order in a matter of days. (See the HOME page for a view of the cover.) -- In early January, we'll be releasing 70 Faces: Torah Poems, a full-length collection of poems engaging the five books of Moses, by Rachel Barenblat -- known to many of you as the Velveteen Rabbi, and soon to be ordained as a real rabbi: an event this publication celebrates. More on this wonderful book very soon! --In late February or early March, we'll be publishing Mercy Island, new and collected poems by Ren Powell, whose finely-crafted, extremely beautiful writing has been published in three translated books in Norway, where she lives and works, but never before in an English edition for North American readers. --And Phoenicia is thrilled to be planning the publication, later in 2011, of Marly Youmans' astonishing book-length epic poem of apocalypse and hope, Thaliad. So it's going to be a very full and exciting New Year at Phoenicia, and we welcome you to sail with us, discovering the worlds revealed by these remarkable authors with whom we're so proud and happy to be working. Comments are closed.
NewsThe latest news and commentary about our plans, events, authors, and titles! |