96 pages, 9" x 10". November 2023.
$22.00 US and CA, $24.50 other countries. Shipping/handling added at checkout. Order directly from publisher:
Watch the cover drawing being made, in this speeded-up 1.5 minute video.
From the artist's essay in Snowy Fields, describing the creation of the drawing "Tangled Stream."
"One night when I couldn’t fall asleep, I got up around midnight, wrapped myself in a sweater, and went to my workroom. A blank sheet of paper shone in the artificial light; pieces of charcoal lay beside it. All right, I thought, let’s do something with these wakeful hours. I dipped my forefingers into a jar of charcoal powder, smearing it onto the paper with my hand to form an overcast sky; a soft charcoal stick rapidly suggested the basic composition: a stream with snowy banks, overgrown with thickly-overlapping, dark-branched shrubs and trees. I roughed in the water, but spent most of my time that night drawing the tangled branches. As I drew, I felt the anger and frustration moving out of my body, and finding an outlet on the paper. The branches needed vigorous pressure and energy to convey their dark disorder, and I drew them that way. They weren’t lovely, they weren’t pretty, they didn’t make sense or harmony, they were simply there in their brokenness and cold disarray. When the trees were finished, I turned to the water, and was surprised to see it begin to flow and swirl as I worked with compressed charcoal and an eraser. The stream was in the center of the picture, but it was unclear where it was going, or where it had come from; in the distance, it seemed to branch. Light shone on it, though, and the water was moving." |
Just published!