96 pages; 6 x 9", $13.95. July 2010.
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qarrtsiluni print vol. 1.3 June-August 2009 Anna Dickie and Pamela Hart, editors As the editors wrote in their call for submissions, Economy has its roots in Greek — oikos and nomos — meaning the principles necessary to maintain the household. Until the 18th century, economy was a branch of philosophy. At the start of recent global economic turmoil, "economy" became the word of the moment. It was a natural choice for a theme, but the editors called on contributors to go beyond the obvious: "We urge you to think broadly, associatively and imaginatively about this touchstone word. Consider economy of movement, expression or effort. Think fuel, cash or gift economy. In your investigation, remember the epigram and the epitaph, both concerned with the economics of composition. Think about how the subject might inform style, as well as content." The result was one of the most consistently high-quality and creative collections qarrtsiluni has ever published. It includes work that explores not only the negative but the positive sides of "economy," and does so in surprising ways. We're proud to offer it as a printed edition, and as a timely commentary on the current state of both our outer and inner worlds. |