We've been enjoying a number of books on our mobile devices, and are pleased to be able to offer the first two Phoenicia ebooks:Odes to Tools, by Dave Bonta, and Ice and Gaywings, by Ken Pobo. Both are available in .MOBI format, for the Kindle, and .EPUB format for most other e-book readers, at the attractive price of $2.99! In the comments, below, we'd love to hear about your experience reading chapbooks and poetry books on your mobile devices. Poetry e-books have lagged behind prose because of difficult formatting issues. We're wondering: Have you bought poetry e-books in the past? Is this something you'd like to see for all Phoenicia titles?
The only poetry I've read in e-version are Nic Sebastian's books. The fact that she figured out the hanging-indent problem is what inspired me to learn how to do the same and release Birds Nobody Loves in e-book form as well as paperback. Thanks,for the comment, James! You should put the URL for your book here so people can find it. I've considered buying a dedicated e-reader, but I just don't want yet another device to carry around. The phone is a bit small, but the Kindle app I have on it works quite well.
Funny I should find James here! I wanted to support his book (LOVE IT) so did a little post on reading formats (book, Kindle, iPad), and thought I'd link love to you, too, for going digital. (It's a great idea.) My thoughts there are a little long to clip into your comments, but here is the link: Comments are closed.
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